Biometric procedure using thumb impression would be followed in all the fair price ration shops in Tamil Nadu from Thursday, 1st July 2021 once again for supplying ration items to the public.
On Wednesday, TN government in its release stated that an amount of Rs 4000 was issued to those who got affected badly due to the spread of Coronavirus infection. Order was issued to supply ration card holders with Rs 2000 in May month and Rs 2000 in July along with the ration items.
It is known that for the sake of family card holders to get the Coronavirus relief amount plus ration items easily, biometric process was stopped in the ration shops. Point is that many have applied for new electronic family cards and the works regarding issuing new cards were stopped due to the issue of relief aid. It is important to note here that the issual of Corona relief aid has been 98.59% completed now and issuing ration items is 93.99% completed in TN. It is now revealed that since these works are coming to an end, the approval for new family card service plus biometric procedure of supplying ration items to the public has begun now from Thursday 1st July onwards.