TANGEDCO (Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Company) has set up an exclusive Electricity Service Centre’ called ‘MINNAGAM’.
There are 3.1- Crores electricity connections in the State of Tamil Nadu.
In this scenario, if there is a breakdown in power supply or if needing a fresh power connection, or to clarify any doubts regarding payment of electricity bills, the consumers need to contact TANGEDCO office.
‘MINNAGAM’ has been set up exclusively to attend to the above issues.
With this Service Centre MINNAGAM, the consumers can register their complaints regarding break down of power, new electricity connection, clarification of doubts regarding electricity bill payment, oscillations in the voltage level, complaint regarding very low-lying electricity wires/cables and transformer related issues. THE CONTACT NUMBER IS 94987. This information was shared by the Tamil Nadu State Government Minister for Electricity.
The complaints receiver from the customers are recorded/registered in the computer and passed on to the offices of the concerned Superintending Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer,
As such, the condition has been created for the concerned office to take immediate necessary action!