Kumari Palany & Co

No need of rigorous exercises - We could lose excess weight by these ways also

Posted on: 15/Jul/2021 9:10:13 AM
If you are of the view that only by doing rigorous exercises we could lose excess weight, then you might be wrong!!

It is possible to lose excess weight even without exercising also. Sounds amazing right!!

It is well known that losing weight could be a huge challenge both physically as well as mentally. It is common to see persons who want to reduce their excess weight follow a strict calorie deficit diet routine plus control food cravings, drink the right amounts of water, walk the sufficient number of steps and do working outs sincerely etc. This takes a huge toll on the person.

By these ways, it is still possible to lose excess weight without doing exercises etc.

By cooking your own meals:
By this, we could reduce the money spent for food plus we would have control over the ingredients that w e put on the foods. It is believed that by eating food prepared by ourselves we would eat less food and become healthier also.

By mindful and slow eating:
With less time available now due to busy work schedules, many of us eat food fast and in the process gain weight. It is worthy to note here that it is not an eating competition. So, eating slowly with proper chewing is very important. This would help us not to gain weight as we would feel full even with lesser intake.

By eating healthy foods only:
Many of us eat unhealthy oily and packed foods. These foods would make us to gain weight. Hence we must select the foods that are healthy and eat only those.

By reducing the stress:
Stress has affected our lives in a huge manner and we all have stress in one form or the other. It is important to note that stress could make us put on weight. Our weight loss process would be hindered by the hormonal imbalance created due to poor sleep and stress. So, please take care.

By drinking water and consuming vitamin D:
It must be taken into note that drinking water and having vitamin D could help us in the weight loss process.

By controlling eating snacks while watching TV etc:
Many of us have the habit of binging on snacks while watching TV etc. This must not be done and it must be stopped to avoid gaining weight. It is good to eat fruits, dry fruits or any low calorie snacks etc.