Following the cancellation of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) +2 Public Examinations, and after elaborate collection of opinions, suggestions and recommendations from various fields and review meetings, the State Government of Tamil Nadu also cancelled the +2 Public Examinations.
The State Government of Tamil Nadu had announced earlier that the details of the evaluation procedure for +2 Public Examinations will be released later.
In this scenario, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has now announced the details of the evaluation procedure for the +2 students.
As per this, +2 marks will be allotted thus – 50% for the marks scored in 10th Standard Public Examinations, 20% marks will be taken from the marks score in the +1 (11th Standard) Public Examinations), and 30% from the marks scored in the +2 (12th Standard) Practical Examinations).
In the +2 evaluation for each subject, 20% will be taken from the practical examination scores, and 10% will be taken from the marks scored for Internal Assessment making for a total of 30% for the evaluation of the +2 final marks.
For the students who feel that they would score lower marks as per this evaluation procedure, they WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO WRITE THE +2 PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The marks scored in this attempt will be declared as the final marks for these students.
For the private candidates, the Public Examinations will be conducted at the right time after the prevalent coronavirus pandemic is completely eradicated.
For the students WHO HAD NOT ATTENDED THE PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS, the marks for the +2 practical examination will be assessed based on the marks scored in the +1 Practical Examinations. Similarly, for the students who had not attended the +1 and +2, marks will be evaluated based on the marks obtained in the 10th Standar5d Practical Examinations and the marks scored in the 11th Standard written Public Examinations.
In case the student had failed in any one of the subjects, 35 marks will be allotted.
An opportunity to write Public Examinations as PRIVATE CANDIDATES WILL BE GIVEN For the students who had not attended the written Public Examinations and the Practical Examinations for +1 and +2 classes,