Arvind Sonmale has helmed the NBFC, “Sustainable Agro-commercial Finance Ltd” better known as SAFL, as Managing Director for over 11 years since 2010. He is demitting office at the end of his current term on 30th September, 2021.
SAFL is one of a kind NBFC focussed on financing needs of small and marginal farmers catering to capital investments in their farms. The finance is extended by way of term loans to enable investment in farm mechanisation, lift irrigation, land development, drip irrigation, small agri projects, dairy and such other activities.
SAFL is headquartered in Mumbai and reaches out to the farming community through a distribution network of 65 offices spread over 3 states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. Over the last 8 years, the NBFC has financed over 65000 farmers to meet their requirements.
Prabhakar Bobde, a HDFC Bank veteran will take over as the new Managing Director of SAFL from 1st October, 2021.