The number of dengue cases has been rising in Chennai city and GCC has been taking steps to bring it under control. Across Chennai, the fogging activities have been intensified by the GCC.
Intense fogging activities have started from Monday in Chennai and a schedule has been made to carry out these activities. This was mentioned by an official belonging to the Chennai Corporation. It is learnt that the GCC workers would be involved in the fogging works twice per day.
Apart from 287 hand held fogging machines, the civic body workers would also have the help of 68 vehicle mounted fogging machines to intensify the fogging activities.
As per an official belonging to GCC, residents of Chennai could access the schedule of vehicle mounted fogging by online. It is now brought out that the residents of Chennai might alert GCC if the workers did not carry out fogging activities in their areas. Yesterday, the health minister Mr. M. Subramanian was busy inspecting the mosquito control measures in the city.
To check the breeding of dengue mosquitoes, the health minister instructed the civic body officers and workers to visit all the buildings in Chennai. Instructions were given by the health minister to remove items from the buildings that could store fresh water. At various construction sites in Chennai, inspections are being conducted. This was according to a statement from GCC. From as many as 7757 construction sites in Chennai, removal of stagnant water is going on now. This would prevent dengue mosquito breeding.