Kumari Palany & Co

Latest on the first day of direct physical classes in Arts and Sciences Colleges in TN!!

Posted on: 05/Oct/2021 9:42:59 AM
The direct physical classes began for the first year college students in Tamil Nadu!!

By following the standard operating procedures or SOP issued by the government, the classes resumed for the first year students on Monday in various Arts and Sciences Colleges in Tamil Nadu.

It is known that the admission was completed last week and nearly 3.1 lakh students were enrolled this year in government as well as in the private colleges.

On the first day yesterday, all the colleges conducted orientation programmes for the fresher’s. It is worthy to note that offline classes would be conducted on rotation basis especially for first year students. Just 20 students were allowed at a given time inside the class rooms. This was according to a senior officer belonging to the higher education department. The students should not be pressured to attend direct physical classes or offline classes and all the colleges and universities have been given strict instructions regarding this.

The principal of C. Kandaswami Naidu College for men, Dr. P. Murugakoothan spoke about how 90% of the first year students came to the college yesterday. He added that an orientation programme was organised for the first year students. He hinted that the regular classes would begin in a short time.

The faculty members of the colleges and universities would find it difficult to ensure physical distancing amongst students inside the campuses. This was stated by Mr. R. Dhamodharan, Convener JAC. He made it clear that there would not be any compromise regarding the safety measures.