The Commissioner of Schooled Education of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that following the recent changes in the appointments for the District Primary Education Officers, counselling sessions will be conducted for the 1st time ever, on the general transfer of the District Primary Education Officers.
The Education Department of the State Government of Tamil Nadu functions in 3 different sections: revenue district, education distract, and the Circles. Accordingly, 38 revenue districts and 120 Education Districts have been formed for administrative purposes.
As per this, the District Education Officers will function as Heads of these sections. Meanwhile, counselling on general transfer has been in practice for the teachers working in government schools based on their preferences.
The department of Education has now decided to conduct similar counselling sessions for general transfers for the District Education Officers as well.
In a notification released in this regard by the Commissioner of the Education Department, Nandhakumar, it is mentioned:
“A general transfer counselling is scheduled to be conducted for the District Education Officers and other related officers on 12th October.
This counselling will be conducted based on seniority.
On the counselling day, all the working positions will be deemed as vacant and the counselling will be conducted based on the seniority of the currently employed Education Officers as per the priorities given by them."