If everything goes well, then the Southern Railways or SR would complete the fourth line project between Beach and Egmore railway stations by the year 2024. It is now said that steps are being taken to acquire lands through the CLA or Commissioner of Land Administration.
The railway board has issued administration sanction to execute a fourth line project between Chennai Beach and Chennai Egmore. This was according to Mr. John Thomas, GM of Southern Railways. This project would be carried out under the Vision 2024 belonging to the Indian Railways.
He spoke about how acquisition of lands has been an issue and how a major portion of the lands would have to be acquired from the Defence department and the Reserve Bank of India or RBI. During the last week, CLA took part in a meeting with all the stakeholders regarding this land acquisition issue.
It must be taken into account that the fourth line would help in segregating express trains and suburban trains and would increase train services also. It is learnt that under the Vision 2024 project many important schemes would also be taken up.
On Wednesday, 6th October 2021, the GM of Southern Railways took part in a virtual meeting with Railway Board Chairman and CEO Suneet Sharma. In the meeting, PLB or productivity linked bonus were declared for the railway employees. This PLB would be equivalent to 78 days salary with maximum amount fixed at Rs 17951.
As many as 72241 employees belonging to the SR would be getting PLB. During the time of Coronavirus pandemic, SR has performed well in the freight traffic and the freight traffic has increased by 12% now compared to 2020. The superb piece of information is that the punctuality of the trains has increased to 93% now. This was also pointed out by Mr. John Thomas.