Kumari Palany & Co

Order from TNPCB!! - Do not use your vehicles on Wednesdays in Tamil Nadu!!

Posted on: 18/Nov/2021 9:20:11 AM
Air pollution has been creating lots of issues for the public is a well known fact. The Tamil Nadu government has been trying various ways to control the air pollution and to improve the lives of the public.

The news that has come out now is that TNPCB or Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has asked its employees not to use their vehicles to come to the offices on Wednesdays.

As per Mr. A Udhayan, chairman of PCB, it was clear that air pollution has been a major environmental hazard to the health. He added that every year due to the air pollution 20lakhs persons die across the world. In the cities in India, vehicle pollution has been due to usage of fossil fuels and this has been responsible for air pollution. According to the Federal Pollution Control Board it was confirmed that 72% of air pollution in major cities is from vehicle pollution.

It is worthy to mention that hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides and particulate matter that get emitted during the combustion process in the vehicles are highly dangerous for the health. Climate conference took place recently in Glasgow and at the conference India (the world’s third highest emitter of greenhouse gases) had announced that it would reduce its carbon emissions by 100billion tonnes by the year 2030. Involvement and cooperation of all people is very important for the above said goal to be achieved.

It is now brought out that TNPCB has to take several green initiatives to control air pollution. In this aspect, TNPCB has asked all its employees as well as contract employees not to use their vehicles to offices on Wednesdays. This would be due to the observance of Pollution Office Week. The sensational information is that this initiative from TNPCB would reduce the air pollution by 20% at its offices. 

For other office goers in TN to join this green initiative, the TNPCB would set a precedent. Point is that visitors going to the TNPCB offices must be encouraged not to use their vehicles on Wednesdays. Mr. Udhayan concluded that though it was only a small initiative from TNPCB it would be the beginning of the journey to protect the environment. The release from the TNPCB has stated that the chief minister of TN Mr. M.K. Stalin had advised that appropriate steps should be taken to reduce the impact of climate change in Tamil Nadu.