Tamil Nadu State Minister for Cooperatives I. Periyaswamy has informed that an action has been initiated to sell tomatoes at a lower price in the Green Farm Shops.
In a notification released in this regard by the State Cooperative Minister, it is mentioned:
“As a measure to regulate the rising vegetable prices, and as per the guidance of the Chief Minister M. K. Stalin, an action has been initiated for the cooperative shop agencies including TUCS (Triplicane Urban Cooperative Society) and Chinthamani Cooperative to procure vegetables and sell them at lower prices to alleviate the hardship of the public paying higher prices for their daily vegetable requirements.
Action has also been initiated for the 2 mobile green Farm Consumer vegetable shops and the 65 green farm consumer shops functioning under the Tamil Nadu State Cooperative Department to sell all vegetables, especially tomato, at reduced prices in their shops in all districts including Chennai, Coimbatore, Thoothukkudi, Madurai, Thiruvannamalai, Trichy, Thanjavur, Thirunelveli, Tirupur, Salem, Erode, and Vellore.
Action has been initiated to procure 15 Metric Tons of tomato immediately in the 1st Phase to facilitate selling tomatoes at prices of Rs. 85 to Rs. 100/- per kg in the green farm shops operating under the Cooperative Department as against the current price of tomato in the open market being sold at Rs. 110/- to Rs. 130/-!”
An appeal has been made to the public to avail of this opportunity to the fullest extent!