Kumari Palany & Co

Preventive measure on Omicron spread: Department of School Education: Classes on a rotation basis- first to eighth Standards!

Posted on: 03/Dec/2021 12:03:29 PM
The Department of School Education of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has initiated and announced the following preventive measures against the spread of Omicron, the latest variant of the coronavirus:

·        Classes from the 1st to the 8th Standards MUST BE CONDUCTED ON A ROTATION BASIS. Classes may be conducted either direct or ONLINE.

·        Body temperature checks MUST BE MANDATORY for all persons entering the school complex. Persons with higher body temperature MUST NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER THE SCHOOL.

·        Teachers MUST set examples by wearing face masks without fail! They must emphasise the importance of wearing face masks to the students!

·        Gathering events such the prayer meetings, sports events, and cultural events MUST be avoided!

·        Activities about performing country welfare schemes or the National Cadet Corps (NCC) MUST NOT BE PERMITTED!