Kumari Palany & Co

Are you aware of these important reasons for your extreme mood swings, take care!!

Posted on: 02/Mar/2022 10:33:24 AM
Many of us would have been familiar with the wavering of feelings. We might be very happy at one moment but feel very sad the next moment. This is termed as mood swings. The state of mind, emotion is mood and it is true that people would have different moods depending on the present or current happenings etc. Though there are no reasons for mood swings it is normally believed that a chemical imbalance in our brain could lead to mood swings in us.

There are some important symptoms that are normally associated with mood swings such as anxiety, behavioural or personality changes, confusion, rapid speech etc.

These are the various causes for mood swings in us. They are

Changes in hormones:
It is common to have mood swings during the teen age. The teenagers would show aggression, depression and getting irritated most of the times etc. Fast rising sex hormones during teenage is cited as the reason for extreme mood swings in teen age boys and girls. Fluctuating levels of oestrogen and progesterone during periods could also be a reason behind mood swings in a woman. It is worth mentioning that mood swings that occur due to changes in the hormones could be treated easily.

Substance abuse:
It must be noted that extreme mood swings could be due to substance abuse too. When a person uses drugs to escape from various issues in life then he or she is not only making the existing issue worse but also creating issues for themselves. Our brain functions would get altered when we consume psychoactive drugs. Intake of drugs would lead to surge in the dopamine action in the brain leading to extreme pleasure. Truth is that the brain gets used to dopamine surges and would produce less dopamine. This would result in reduction in the dopamine impact. This would make the person consume large amounts of psychoactive drugs.

Some persons might take antidepressants for their bipolar disorder issue etc and the medicine might not suit the person.  This could lead to extreme mood swings too. Certain BP medicines might reduce sodium levels and increase potassium levels in the blood and this could result in depression or anxiety etc. The person would show mood swings. There are also chances that use of certain antibiotics could lead to mood swings.

Depression and bipolar disorder etc:
The mood swings could be extreme in persons with issues like depression and bipolar disorder etc. It is known that a person could get depressed when he or she has a chemical imbalance in the brain or from curable disease or infection or loss of a close person etc. When a person shows depression for one week and high and unusual energy in the next week, then the person is suffering from bipolar disorder. Mood swings are common in these persons.

It is believed that severe or high stress could lead to imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain and this would lead to mood swings. During stress, stress hormones get released into the bloodstream and these would go to the heart, lungs, stomach and other body parts etc.  These could then lead to rapid heart rate or rapid breathing etc. Stress could be managed by doing yoga, meditation, exercises etc.

Not many know that diet could also result in mood swings in a person. Deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in the foods could make a person feel angry, irritable and depressed etc. Foods like fatty fishes, flaxseeds, walnuts etc could boost the mood. It has been brought out by a research study regarding the relation present between food and mood swings.