The Minister for School Education of the Tamil Nadu State Government, Anbil Magesh, announced that the dates for the Public Examinations for the students of the 10th, 11th & 12th Standards would be released today (Wednesday, 2nd March) at 10.00 AM. As such, he released the timetable for the Public Examinations for the 10th, 11th, and 12th Standard students.
- As per this, the public examinations for the +2 (12th Standard) students will commence on 5th May and conclude on 28th May. (Results on June 23rd)
- The public Examination for the +1 student (11th Standard) is scheduled to commence on 9th May and conclude on 31st May. (Results on July 7th)
- The Public Examinations for the 10th Standard students will commence on 6th May and conclude on 30th May. (Results on June 17th)
12th Standard
11th Standard