Kumari Palany & Co

Turn your dark coloured lips into pink coloured by following these superb ways!!

Posted on: 05/Mar/2022 9:54:25 AM
The presence of pink coloured lips would be appealing and it would add charm to both men and women. There are some reasons for the lips to become dark like exposure to sun, skipping sun block, smoking, ageing and not taking enough care etc. Other factors like lack of hydration, too much intake of caffeine etc could also make the lips turn dark. However, there is no need to worry and it is possible to turn the lips to a pink colour again.

Those who have dark coloured lips can try these ways to get pink coloured lips.

Applying turmeric:

The skin lightening properties of turmeric would be superb for the dark coloured lips. Here, half teaspoon of turmeric is mixed with half teaspoon of milk and the paste is then applied over the dark coloured lips every day.

Applying lemon juice:

It would be possible to lighten the dark coloured lips by rubbing lemon juice over the lips. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and due to this pigmentation and dark spots etc would also be removed.

Applying cucumber juice:

It is noteworthy that cucumber juice is very cooling and it would make the dark coloured lips turn pink. The moisturising quality of cucumber juice would be superb for the lips.

Applying beetroot juice:

Beetroot juice could be rubbed over the dark lips and it should be left for 5 to 10 minutes.  In the next step, the juice is washed off with water. This process must be repeated for a few days.

Applying olive oil:

Not only lightening of lips is possible by massaging the lips with olive oil but also moisture and flexibility could be brought to the lips.

Applying sugar:

Being a superb exfoliating agent, sugar can remove all the dead cells present on the lips. It is possible to make sugar lip balm by mixing 2 spoons of granulated sugar with one spoonful of butter. This must be applied many times in a day.

Applying aloe vera:

Melanin production can be possible by aloe vera application. In the first step, aloe vera gel is applied over the dark lips and allowed to dry for some time. In the next step, we must wash the lips.

Applying coconut oil:

It must be noted that applying coconut oil on the dark lips is an easy way to make the dark lip turn pink coloured. Persons with dark lips must apply coconut oil over the lips before going to sleep.