It has been 2 years since the Coronavirus pandemic first began spreading in Chennai and in Tamil Nadu. Till now, Kilpauk medical college and hospital or KMCH in Chennai has been witnessing daily admissions regarding Covid-19 affected persons.
Yesterday, for the first time in the last 2 years this major hospital did not witness any admissions regarding Covid-19 affected persons. Fact is that the Covid-19 ward in this hospital remained vacant yesterday. For the past 2 days, many medical college and hospitals including Chengalpet medical college and hospitals etc witnessed zero Covid19 admissions.
Across Tamil Nadu, in the tertiary care institutions or medical college hospitals just 50 cases were admitted due to this infection. The director of medical education Dr. T. Narayana Babu mentioned that in other medical college hospitals in Chennai just 1 or 2 Covid19 cases were admitted.
In the government medical colleges and their attached institutions, 80percent of the total cases were treated. He revealed that there are no cases in medical college hospitals attached institutions in Chennai. According to Mr. M. Subramaniam, health minister, the infrastructure that has been created at the hospitals for Covid-19 treatment would be there for non-Covid treatment also. Point is that oxygen plants, generators and storage facilities would be very useful for the hospitals.
In the district hospitals, there were no oxygen beds in the past and now there are many oxygen beds and those who get admitted need not go to tertiary hospitals for the sake of oxygen beds for treatment. Yesterday, the health minister was busy inaugurating a medical oxygen plant at RSRM in Chennai. It was later brought out by the dean of Chengalpet medical college and hospital Dr. J. Muthukumaran that inspite of absence of Covid-19 cases the hospital is still having beds for Covid-19 patients. He concluded that the beds are now given to other specialities in this hospital.