Kumari Palany & Co

No tickets for children in Government buses: Government Order!

Posted on: 28/May/2022 11:25:10 AM
The Chief Secretary of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered that children under the age of 5 years will travel free without tickets!

In a notification released by the Chief Secretary of the State Government of Tamil Nadu, V. Iraiyanbu, it is mentioned:

“After the discussions in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly on 5th May regarding the subsidies demanded by the Department of Government Transport, the Transport Minister has released the following notification:

“As the scheme to introduce free bus travel for children under the age of 5 years is being implemented, henceforth, children under the age of 5 years will be permitted to travel in all government buses without tickets!”

(Presently, for the children in the age group 3-5, half the fare is being charged for travel in government buses.

With this notification, all necessary actions must be taken immediately to implement this free travel scheme for the children under the age of 5 years!”