Kumari Palany & Co

Alert for Chennai Metro City Ration-card Holders: Be ready from 11th June!

Posted on: 10/Jun/2022 11:18:03 AM
Under the Public Distribution Scheme. Lakhs of economically backward families benefit by buying their essential groceries from the ration shops!

The Main Objective of the State Government of Tamil Nadu is to ensure that a large number of families should get the ration items without any hardships!

As such, a lot of maloperations do take place in this Public Distribution System! To prevent this to a great extent, a new system of having the buyers register their fingerprints when buying ration items!

However, the fingerprinting equipment does not operate sometimes and as such, the task of repairing all this fingerprint equipment is in progress!

This fingerprint equipment failure is a common problem encountered in all the states!

Apart from this, new changes are regularly being introduced in the ration card operating procedure!

In this scenario, a special ‘Ration-card Grivenace Camp’ is being organized on 11th June (Tomorrow, Saturday) to address all the issues related to the ration cards such as adding names in the ration-card, removal of names, etc., at the Chennai Metro City at the 19 offices of the Zonal Assistant Commissioners.

The State Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that this grievance camp will function from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM on Saturday, 11th June (tomorrow).

An appeal to the citizens has been made requesting them to avail of this opportunity to register their grievances in the functioning of the ration card systems!