The Tamil Nadu State Government mark-sheets of the 12th Stan Examination Board has announced that the mark sheets of the 12th Standard Public Examinations (+2) can be downloaded from today (Thursday, 14th July).
The Public Examinations for the 12th Standard students were conducted in the Chennai Metro City and the State of Tamil Nadu during May.
The results of these +2 Public Examinations were released in June!
The girls had more percentage success than the boys!
In this situation, the Tamil Nadu State Government Examination Board has announced that the mark sheets for the 12th Standard (+2) Public Examinations can be downloaded from today (Thursday, 14th July).
In a notification released by the State Government Examination Board, it is mentioned:
"The students who wrote the 12th Standard Public Examinations and sought the copies of their answer-sheets can visit the website: (from today - Thursday, 14th July) and enter their registration number and the Date of Birth and download the answer-sheet copies!
After downloading the answer sheets, the students can apply for re-totalling through the Office of the Deputy Director from 15th July to 19th July!"