The news is that the Chennai Corporation has requested the public to make use of maternity and special medical treatment at 16 community welfare centres in Chennai.
Under the Chennai Corporation, 140 primary health centres, 16 community welfare centres, 24 hour maternity hospitals, 6 blood purification centres etc have been functioning. This was according to après release from the corporation. It must be noted that 16 community health centres and 3 maternity hospitals have 42 specialist doctors to provide free maternity care, child health care, surgery and ortho care etc to the residents.
Information collected is that from 23rd June till 7th July 2022 a total of 89580 outpatients have been treated with an average of 6891 outpatients per day. Point is that as in-patients as many as 8427 got treated and 275 have undergone sterilisation operations. It is learnt that 522 received maternity treatments. The public have been requested to avail the facilities available at the community welfare centres in Chennai.