It has been planned by the TTDC or Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation that a Spiritual and Cultural Eco-park would be developed on the ECR in Chennai. For this, TTDC has floated a tender now for preparing a master plan.
In the Assembly meeting that took place in the month of May, Mr. M. Mathivendhan, tourism minister had mentioned that a park would be developed in association with Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments department or HR & CE,
It must be noted that the plan would have leisure spaces overlooking the water front like cottages, food court and a view tower. Walkways to the waterfront would also be a part of this plan from TTDC. These building access facilities are very important.
Information collected is that the project would also have entertainment avenues like boat rides, activity zones for adults and kids plus, glow parks, themed sculptures, souvenir shops, open air theatres etc. On the land of 223.16 acres belonging to the Nithyakalyana Perumal Thirukoil in ECR, the park proposed would be built.
The TN state government would be providing funds for the development of the park and it would be Rs 200 crores. As per the MD of TTDC Mr. Sandeep Nanduri, the list of components of the park is just indicative and a master plan would be prepared depending on the inputs provided by the architect.
To identify good architectural consultants who would come out with a master plan and suggest various components that needed to be included in the eco-park, tenders have been called for.
On the weekends, many tourists come to ECR and TTDC has come out with a proposal to include entertainment activities. By this, it would become a great tourist attraction in Chennai. Mr. Sandeep concluded that all environmental approvals would be obtained and only after that project work would start.