Southwestern 6.00 AM and reach Rameswaram the next day morning at Railway has organized to operate a weekly special train from Hubli Railway Station to Rameswaram Railway Station!
As per this, Hubli-Rameswaram Weekly Special Train (073533) will start on all Saturdays starting from 6th August to 24th September at 6.30 AM and reach Rameswaram the next day morning at 6.15 AM.
On the return trip, Rameswaram-Hubli Weekly Special train (07354) will start on all Sundays from 7th August until 25th September at 9.00 PM and reach Hubli the next day at 7.25 PM.
The train will have a 2-tier bed air-conditioned coach, 3 numbers of coaches with air-conditioned 3-tier beds, and 9-second class coaches with bedding.