Kumari Palany & Co

Are you 40 plus, then please follow these tips compulsorily for your gallbladder to be healthy!!

Posted on: 31/Aug/2022 9:58:15 AM
Below the liver, there is a pear shaped organ and this is gallbladder. It is important to note that the main function of gallbladder is to store bile. The gallbladder of a person above the age of 40 would not function in the same way as it would have functioned for them in their 20s or 30s. It is true that the majority of persons above 40 experience gallbladder problems and find it difficult. Various issues associated with gallbladder are biliary colic, cholecystitis, gallstones, pancreatitis etc. Various symptoms of gallbladder issues are pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal tenderness etc.

Various tips or ways by which a person above 40 can keep their gallbladder healthy are

By eating healthy:
Bile gets released from the gallbladder whenever a person consumes food. The bile juices would get built up when he or she skips food. By this, the cholesterol levels in the gallbladder would become more. The bitter fact is that over a period of time the fats could harden to form gallstone. Therefore, it is highly important that we must eat meals without skipping.

By consuming fibres:
The fiber rich foods intake would lower the cholesterol in us and this would improve heart health and would prevent the formation of gallstones. It is good to include barley, lentils, berries, broccoli etc.

By maintaining healthy weight:
We could get gallstones if we are obese or over weight. It is necessary for us to be fit and healthy and not being obese to be free from gallbladder issues. By eating fresh fruits plus veggies etc rich in water content and fibre we would feel full for a longer time. By this, we would not eat unnecessarily.

By avoiding fried foods:
The cholesterol would become more in the blood when we eat fried foods rich in saturated fats. It is better to avoid eating processed foods etc. So, try to limit eating baked foods, chocolates, candies etc.

By drinking water:
By drinking water regularly throughout the day, the bile would not be built up. This would protect us from gallstones. It has been shown by research studies that persons who drink water eat fewer calories and less sugar etc.

By exercising:
We would be able to maintain our health well by doing exercises regularly. By exercising, our mood would get boosted plus gallbladder would get protected etc. Walking, cycling, swimming or doing yoga are various examples of physical activities.