With the results of the NEET (National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test – a pass which is mandatory for joining graduate Medical courses MBBS & BDS) scheduled to be released on 7th September, the answer keys for the conducted NEET were released on Tuesday (30th August) by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on its official website.
In case any defects are detected in the answer keys, it has been informed that this can be registered by paying a fee of Rs. 200/-.
The National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET)to qualify for admission to graduate medical courses MBBS & BDS was conducted on 17th July.
More than 4000 Examination Centres were arranged throughout the country for this.
In Tamil Nadu, there were 18 cities where NEET examination Centres were set up – Chennai, Cuddalore, Kanchipuram, Karur, Madurai, Nagercoil, Namakkal, Salem, Thanjavur, Thiruvallur, Trichy, Thirunelveli, and Vellore.
1.41 Lakh candidates had applied to participate in NEET in Tamil Nadu.
The circles of the Medical Education Board inform that over 90% of these applicants wrote the NEET.
NEET was conducted in Tamil, English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarathi, Marathi, Odiya, Assamese, Bengali, Urdu, and others.
With the results of the NEET scheduled to be released on 7th September, the answer keys of the NEET were released on the official website of the National Testing Agency yesterday (Tuesday, 30th August)!