Kumari Palany & Co

If your urine smells very bad or foul smelling, then it could be due to these important health issues, take care!!

Posted on: 12/Dec/2022 6:25:48 PM
Ofcourse urine would smell bad but if it smells very bad or foul smelling then it might be due to some chronic health problems. Please don`t take it lightly. If our body is healthy and well hydrated etc, then foul smelling urine would not be produced. When the urine is highly concentrated, then it would have a strong ammonia odour.

These are the health issues that would lead to foul smell urine

One highly common health condition many of us have these days is diabetes. When our pancreas inside the body  doesn`t produce enough insulin or when the body is not able to utilize the insulin it produces, then we could get chronic diabetes issues. The urine produced by those persons with uncontrolled diabetes would be foul smelling or strong sweet and fruity odour etc. It must be taken into account that the sugary sweet smell in the urine would be due to the presence of sugars in the urine. Here, the body is trying to get rid of excess sugar.

Urinary tract infections or UTI:
Bad or foul smelling urine could also be due to UTI present. The ammonia smalle of the urine would reveal that about the presence of bacteria in the urinary system. Urinary system would include urethra, urinary bladder etc.

Some times in males, their prostate glands would become inflamed and the disorder of prostate glands is termed as prostatitis. Thoise with this health issue would feel pain while passing urine plus foul smelling urine also. Rotten egg smell in the urine might be due to prostatitis issue and in this way it would be similar to the urinary bladder infection.

Liver issues:
When the liver in us doesn`t function properly or is unable to break down the toxins effectively, then there are chances of foul smelling urine. The urine would be dark in colour and it would be brown, amber or orange etc  This is mainly due to the buildup of bilirubin.

How to detect correctly:
Foul smelling urine would make us very anxious and we would want to know the exact reason behind it. It would be possible to know about the health condition behind the foul smelling urine by knowing other symptoms associated with issues like UTI, liver disease and diabetes etc. In that situation, it would be better to visit a doctor and get examined. The necessary tests must be done and then based on the diagnosis treatment must be taken.