Kumari Palany & Co

Do you know about these important vitamin K rich foods that will prevent bleeding & bruising?

Posted on: 20/Dec/2022 5:36:58 PM
Our body requires nutrients in small quantities for its functions and for staying healthy and this is provided by vitamin K. To prevent issues like bleeding and bruising etc, we must consume vitamin K. This vitamin would make the proteins like prothrombin needed for the blood clotting and for bone building etc. It would also facilitate energy production in the mitochondria of the cells. It is noteworthy that this fat soluble nutrient vitamin K would be available in 2 important forms like phylloquinone and menaquinones. The other name for vitamin k is phytonadione.

Phylloquinone - is phenylated naphthoquinone that is synthesised mainly by plants, green algae and cyanobacteria species etc.

Menaquinones - these are produced inside the human body by bacteria.

The foods rich in vitamin K to prevent bleeding and bruising in us are.

Green leafy veggies intake:
There are certain green leafy veggies like kale, collard greens, cabbage, spinach that are rich sources of vitamin K and we must eat these without fail. Our overall health would also be maintained by eating these green leafy vegetables rich in dietary fibres, folate, zinc etc.

Broccoli intake:
One of the most nutrient vegetables is broccoli and it would provide us with many minerals and nutrients needed for the body. It must be noted that one cup of broccoli would provide us with 220micrograms of vitamin K.

Cauliflower intake:
Rich in choline plus others like fibers, sulforaphane, vitamin K etc, intake of cauliflower would be tremendous for the health.

Brussel sprouts intake:
It is worthy to mention here that brussel sprouts belong to the family of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli etc. it is rich in vitamin K plus protein, fibres and vitamin C etc. Point is eating brussel sprouts  would protect  us against cancers in the stomach, lungs, kidneys etc.

Fermented foods intake:
Fermented foods are a good source of vitamin D. Examples of fermented foods are cheese, sauerkraut, miso etc. It is true that intake of vitamin k especially menaquinones would help us to lower the risk of coronary calcification and coronary heart disease etc.

What happens if you consume excess vitamin K foods:
It is highly unlikely that we would not consume too much of vitamin K by eating the foods rich in this vitamin. Those persons who are taking anticoagulants must be very careful as excess intake of vitamin K could lead to serious issues by blocking the e anticoagulant effects of the medicines. This could lead to blood thickening etc.