To avoid unnecessary accidents, the residents belonging to and around Aiswarya Nagar in Chromepet in Chennai have been urging Tambaram corporation to install street lights at the junction between Pallavaram taluk office and Pallavaram-Thoraipakkam Radial Road.
There are some minor accidents that take place in the locality plus women and children do not have any security here during the late evenings etc. This was mainly due to the absence of street lights here. This was brought out by many residents. Many commuters were unhappy regarding the absence of street lights and traffic congestion that has been creating many issues.
Five years back Pallavaram municipality installed solar lights at a stretch (junction between Taluk office and Radial Road). Bitter fact is that within a year the light became faulty and it was not rectified. This was according to Mr. Dharanidharan, secretary of Aiswarya Nagar Resident Welfare Association.
He highlighted that 3 years back the municipality laid a pavement along Putheri Lake without installing any street lights. It must be noted that the residents here use the pavements in the evenings for walking purposes and 75percent of people in the nearby lake locality take a stretch everyday to commute. He concluded that in spite of many petitions no action has been taken till now.
It was later mentioned by a resident from Chrompet that since the road does not have any street lights anti-social elements have been utilising it to their advantage now for some illegal activities. He added that no action has been taken by Tambaram corporation till now