Kumari Palany & Co

Not consuming sufficient protein, then you could show these signs!!

Posted on: 01/Mar/2023 5:59:48 PM
Not only protein intake would play a huge role in the repair and maintenance of the muscles, but they would also provide energy to us and regulate our hormones also. Known as building blocks for the muscles, proteins are made up of amino acids. It is noteworthy that the dietary allowance to avoid protein deficiency for an average adult is 0.8gms per kilogram of the body weight. A person must increase the protein intake if he or she has these signs.

Various signs of protein deficiency in us are

Weakness, fatigue etc:

If we have protein deficiency then we could have weakness , fatigue etc. Truth is that when the body is low on dietary protein then the body would satisfy its protein needs from the skeletal muscles. This would lead to muscle wasting after a certain period of time and this would lower the strength. We could feel weak and fatigues etc.d

Recovering slowly from injuries:

It is believed that if a person has undergone a surgery or had injury etc then the person would recover very slowly. In other words, the healing process would be slow due to low levels of proteins.  Formation of new cells might take a long time.

More hunger:

This is also one important sign that would reveal that a person might have protein deficiency. The person would have increased hunger or increased food cravings etc. It is worth mentioning here that protein is an important macronutrient that would keep us full for  long time periods. Less protein would make us crave food.

Reduced immunity:

If a person is protein deficient, then the person would have more chances of getting diseases etc. It must be taken into account that protein would boost our immunity levels and would, keep the diseases away

Issues related to hair, skin and nails etc:

When a person has got weak brittle nails, dry skin coupled with hair thinning etc then the person might have low levels of protein. Our nails, skin and hairs etc consist of proteins like elastin, collagen and keratin etc. Therefore, insufficient protein would lead to issues related to hair, skin and nails etc.