Kumari Palany & Co

Know about these reasons and the early signs of autism in the kids!!

Posted on: 04/Apr/2023 9:21:31 AM
Also called autism spectrum disorder or ASD, autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the social interaction, communication and behaviour of the kids.

To create awareness about the autistic kids and support them and accept them, every year 2nd of April is marked as World Autism Awareness Day. Not every person with autism would show the same symptoms and the autism symptoms would vary from one person to another.  The life quality of the individuals with autism would be improved if the autism is identified early. It is true that there is no cure for autism.

Reasons or causes for autism:

It is believed that factors like environmental, biological and genetic factors could lead to autism in the kids.

During childhood, autism symptoms would be seen in a few kids. Common signs of autism in the kids would include

Delay in the language development:

It must be noted that those kids with autism would have delayed language development in them. The autistic kids would find it difficult to communicate their requirements and engage in a conversation etc.

Absence of social interaction:

Truth is that the kids with autism would have issues in making eye contact, responding to social cues etc. These kids would prefer to play alone rather than with other kids.

Repetitive behaviours:

Indulging in repetitive behaviours like hand flapping or spinning etc is mostly witnessed in the kids with autism. The autistic kids would also show intense interest in specific topics etc.

Sensory sensitivities:

Truth is that the kids with autism would be over sensitive or under sensitive to sensory stimuli like touch, sound etc. These kids would have issues in regulating their emotions in response to sensory input.

Unusual movements etc:

Those kids with autism would show unusual movement like toe walking or hand flapping etc. This is alot one important sign for autism.