Kumari Palany & Co

Be aware of these unusual symptoms of lung cancer and get treated early!!

Posted on: 08/Apr/2023 9:42:28 AM
The shocking fact is that the fourth most prevalent form of all cancers is lung cancer and it accounts for 5.9% of all cancer cases.

Lung cancer is also known as lung carcinoma. It was revealed by a study in 2018 that lung cancer cases were 67795 and the mortality due to this issue was 63475. About 80% of smoking was witnessed in the patients with lung cancer. Various reasons for lung cancers are smoking, air pollution, exposure to chemicals like radon etc. It is necessary to identify lung cancers as the lung cancer is treatable in the early stages.

There are few unusual symptoms of lung cancer and they are

Shoulder pain:

Those with lung cancer would have weak and painful shoulders and that is due to the growth of tumours. This tumour would exert pressure on the shoulders. So, please take care

Swallowing difficulty:

Also called dysphagia, this is also one important sign of lung cancer. Here, the food passage gets blocked,

Persistent chest pain:

Those with lung cancer could feel pain while breathing deeply or while coughing etc. This is because the tumour would cause tightness in the chest. It is known that chest pain is also an indicator for oteh serious issues like heart attack etc.

Hoarseness in voice:

The person with lung cancer would develop a hoarse voice as the tumour would press on the laryngeal nerve. Chronic cough in the lung cancer patients would interfere with the vocal cords leading to  hoarse voices.

Face and neck swellings:

It must be noted that swelling in the neck and face would reveal the presence of lung cancer. The swelling occurs due to the fact that the cancerous growth in the lungs obstruct the blood flow into superior vena cava. This is called superior vena cava syndrome.