Kumari Palany & Co

Know these important things about fatty liver disease affecting the kids!!

Posted on: 24/Apr/2023 6:49:00 PM
It is tough to believe that fatty liver disease can occur in kids of age of 10 or those even below also.

The second largest organ in the body is the liver and it plays an important role in the processing of the nutrients plus eliminating of the toxic substances from  the blood. When excess fats get accumulated in the liver, then we could get what is known as fatty liver disease. It is true that the inflamed liver could damage the liver and this could lead to serious problems. These days, kids who are obese get affected by non alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. Obesity in the kids could be due to sedentary lifestyle etc.

Reasons for fatty liver disease in children:

Fatty liver issues in the kids could be due to consumption of junk foods plus not engaging in any physical activity like exercises etc. It is worthy to note that those with issues like obesity, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol could get fatty liver disease.

Various symptoms of fatty liver disease in kids are pain in the right upper part of the stomach, constant fatigue, weakness, having jaundice symptoms, enlarged liver or spleen etc.

How can fatty liver disease be avoided in the kids:

Parents can encourage their kids to follow these for the kids` liver to be healthy. First by making the kids eat a healthy diet, by limiting the intake of salts and sugars, by including more vegetables and fresh fruits etc, by maintaining a healthy body weight as per BMI etc.