Kumari Palany & Co

Every diabetic person must know these tremendous advantages of losing their excess body weight!!

Posted on: 28/Apr/2023 9:19:04 AM
When a person has diabetes, then the person would become more susceptible to other serious health complications like kidney issues, heart disease, nerve based issues or other oral based issues etc. Therefore, it is highly important that the person must keep diabetes under control. It is a fact that a person with diabetes under control would be able to live life without any further complications. When the diabetic person loses 5% of excess body weight then he or she would have improved BP and cholesterol levels etc.

It has been found out that 60% of persons with type-1 diabetes and 85% of persons with type-2 diabetes have excess body weight or obese. The diabetic persons would be benefited when they shed their excess body weight. There are chances that a diabetic person would get cured of type-2 diabetes also if the person sheds excess weight.  By losing weight, it would be possible to have more energy to do all the activities plus sleep would also be better.

Type-2 diabetes could be due to many reasons but being overweight is a prime reason for this issue. It must be noted that when a person is overweight then the body would need as much as 2 to 3 times as much insulin to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Various benefits that a diabetic person could get by losing excess body weight are

  • Weight loss would be enough to return blood glucose to normal levels again.
  • Body`s requirement for insulin would be met in a better way as the pancreas would be functioning well.
  • Need for insulin therapy or other medications for diabetes etc would be reduced.
  • Chances of getting other serious health issues such as heart diseases, kidney disease etc would be brought down.
  • Reduced weight would mean that the person has less chances of getting affected by diabetes also.