Kumari Palany & Co

Important news!! Reopening dates for TN schools announced now!!

Posted on: 29/Apr/2023 9:22:16 AM
The summer vacations have just started for the school students in Tamil Nadu!!

Yesterday, Friday, 28th April 2023 was the last working day for the schools in Tamil Nadu as the examinations got completed. Mostly, the students would be enjoying the summer vacations with their parents and friends.

The school education minister Mr. Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi has mentioned that for the classes from 6 to 12 the schools would reopen on 1st of June 2023. He added that for the classes from 1st to 5th the schools would reopen on 5th of June. He released the annual academic calendar for 2023-24.

The reopening dates would be changed if the heat wave persists even in June month. Important piece of information is that the textbooks have been printed and have been sent to the districts. Point is that efforts have been made to send other items like school bags etc without any delay.