Kumari Palany & Co

Superb efforts taken by CMDA to remove traffic snarls near the malls in Chennai?

Posted on: 29/Jun/2023 9:20:26 AM
Chennai malls and traffic snarls go hand in hand!!

Near the malls in Chennai, it is a common sight to see people getting out of the taxis, autos drivers waiting for their customers and many cars waiting in the queues to enter the parking lots etc. Point to be noted is that malls in the city have now become a pain in the neck for traffic police due to the traffic snarls.

Traffic mitigation measures for ensuring seamless traffic flow around the malls has become the need of the hour and CMDA has removed the unauthorised parking and encroachments. It has now come out with superb traffic management plans to decongest traffic near the malls in Chennai.

The CMDA has now come up with the idea of setting up malls on the transit corridors, malls operating shuttle services and increasing the parking fees on the roads around the malls.

Former professor from the dept of Urban Engineering, Anna University, Mr. KP. Subramanian mentioned that there was a flaw in the design of malls wrt absorbing traffic. He explained that the pick up and drop of the customers must take place inside the malls and not spill over to the roads nearby. In Chennai, near the VR Mall, Phoenix Mall and Forum Vijaya Mall, there is now heavy traffic congestion and many find it very difficult.

To provide a suitable solution to this traffic snals issue the owners of these 3 malls took part in a meeting with CMDA, GCC, CUMTA and traffic police etc recently.  In this meeting, CMDA suggested few ideas for reducing traffic congestion near the malls such as using front and side setback space in the malls for vehicular movement, ensuring entry/exit of vehicles from different sides, removal of unauthorised parking at the entry and removal of toll gates at the malls etc.