Kumari Palany & Co

The Positive Significance of Gaps in Baby Teeth: A Healthy Jaw Growth Indicator

Posted on: 16/Jul/2023 9:06:08 PM
The Bunny Teeth laser dental clinic is delighted to provide valuable information regarding gaps in baby teeth and their significance in proper jaw growth. Contrary to common misconceptions, these gaps are actually positive indicators that the jaw is developing correctly.

During early childhood (1-3 years), baby teeth are smaller in size compared to adult teeth. When adult teeth begin to emerge (around age 5), having gaps between the baby teeth is essential. This natural spacing allows enough room for the adult teeth to grow straight, without overcrowding or misalignment, potentially eliminating the need for braces later on.

Parents are encouraged to observe if their children`s baby teeth exhibit gaps, as it suggests healthy jaw development. Furthermore, promoting proper jaw growth can be facilitated by encouraging children to chew hard and crunchy foods daily, such as apples and carrots. Additionally, considering Myofunctional Therapy can aid in optimal oral development.

It is crucial to avoid extracting permanent teeth due to crowding, as this can result in a smaller mouth, while the tongue remains the same size, potentially leading to sleep disruptions.

Traditional orthodontic treatment becomes more challenging once all permanent teeth have settled. Acting during early childhood, when growth is more malleable and easier to influence, is the most opportune time for intervention.

For more information and expert dental care, visit The Bunny Teeth laser dental clinic where their experienced team is dedicated to ensuring the oral health and development of children.

The Bunny Teeth laser dental clinic
72, Bazullah Rd, Parthasarathi Puram, 
T. Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017.

For contact us:
  • +91 98400 31819
  • 044 4212 1819
  • 044 4212 1820