Tamil Nadu Election Commission Chief Satyapradha Sahu has announced that the Draft Voters` List will be released on October 26th.
According to the guidelines from the Indian Election Commission, the task of correcting the Voters` List is conducted from September to December each year.
During this correction period, voters can submit applications for adding or removing names, changing addresses, and other modifications. After conducting the necessary field surveys, the final Voters` List will be released in the following year, by the end of January.
Tamil Nadu Election Commission Chief Satyapradha Sahu stated, "The relocation and renovation of polling booths began on August 22nd last year (2022) and will be completed by October 9th. Previously, it was announced that the draft Voters` List would be released on October 17th, but it will now be released on October 27th, as per the timetable provided by the Indian Election Commission."
Special features include:
- Corrections to voters` particulars will be accepted on the same day as the release of the Draft Voters` List, starting from October 27th until December 12th.
- Special camps will be held at polling booths on October 4th, 5th, 18th, and 19th (Saturdays and Sundays) to assist citizens with correction applications.
- Received applications for corrections in the Voters` List will be reviewed until December 26th.
- The final Voters` List will be released on January 5th, 2024, in the new year.
- On office working weekdays, applications for corrections can be submitted at the offices of the Polling Booth Officer, Voter Registration Officer, and Assistant Voters Registration Officer.
- Applications for correction in the Voters` List can also be submitted online through the following websites: www.voters.eci.gov.in, https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/.
- Applications can also be submitted through mobile apps.
- Citizens who will turn 18 years old on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, or October 1st, and those whose names have been omitted from the Voters` List, can fill out Form-6 and submit it.
- During the correction period, applications for linking the Voter ID with the Aadhar card can also be submitted.