Kumari Palany & Co

Climate experts latest disclosure about future cyclones etc is shocking!!

Posted on: 06/Dec/2023 8:49:16 AM
Michaung, (the sixth cyclonic storm in 2023) has caused huge destruction in Chennai now. It must be noted that the rains due to this storm were very high and unprecedented. In just 2 days, Chennai received 45 cms of rain. It is now said that the cyclonic storm was a reminder for the world to cut emissions rapidly and limit global warming etc.

Inspite of the great work one by GCC to control floods, many parts in the city went under water. Truth is that the formation of a tropical storm over the Bay of Bengal in December was typical but the rains associated with the storm were not normal.

Global warming has been leading to more cyclone formations now and this was mentioned by some climate experts. They threw light on how about 93% of the heat is absorbed by the oceans and how warm water would lead to cyclone formation etc. Nor only the SST or sea surface temperature is responsible for the cyclone formation but the volume of warm water also.

It is worthy to note that the annual Global Carbon Budget projects carbon dioxide or CO2 emissions of 36.8billion metric tonnes in 2023. Information is that this is about 1.1percent increase from the year 2022. In 2023, the total CO2 emissions would be 40.9 billion metric cubic tonnes. It is shocking to mention here that in India emissions have been on the rise by 8.2%.

Course corrections must be made by the countries now to reduce emissions or else climate extremes such as Michaung would be increasing in the future.