Kumari Palany & Co

CMRL Unveils Innovative Competition: Craft Your Money & Time - A Creative Design Challenge for College Students

Posted on: 22/Jan/2024 11:22:33 AM
The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for college students with its upcoming Creative Design Competition. This initiative provides a unique platform for students to showcase their creativity while aligning with the theme of `USE CMRL - Save Your Money & Time.`

The primary goal of this competition is to empower college students, offering them insights into CMRL services while encouraging them to express their creativity. By doing so, CMRL aims to bolster its brand presence within the student community.

Competition Details:

- Eligibility: Open to all regular undergraduate and postgraduate students in Chennai.
- Theme: "USE CMRL - Save Your Money & Time"
- Formats Accepted: Videos, animations, AVs, or GIFs (30-60 seconds)
- Prizes: 1st Place: Rs. 15,000, 2nd Place: Rs. 10,000, 3rd Place: Rs. 5,000
- Registration Period: January 23, 2024, to February 22, 2024
- Registration Link: [https://forms.gle/oa3qyGG3kmW2vHn16](https://forms.gle/oa3qyGG3kmW2vHn16) or scan the QR code on the CMRL website.
- Submission Deadline: February 22, 2024
- Pre-submission Workshop: February 29, 2024 (details available on the CMRL website)
- Submission Deadline: March 31, 2024
- Winners Announcement: April 14, 2024

For further inquiries, please contact lmc@cmrl.in. Queries related to the "Creative Design Competition for Students" with the specified subject will be accepted, and responses will be promptly provided.

Don`t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to unleash your creativity and make a mark in the `Craft Your Money & Time` Creative Design Competition by CMRL!"