Kumari Palany & Co

Largest symbolic human formation for social cause - Avadi police and students have made many heads turn!!

Posted on: 06/Feb/2024 9:25:43 AM
These days, from every nook and corner we see many activities carried out for a social cause. This one by the Avadi police and students is different and it has turned many heads now.

On Monday, 5th February 2024, Avadi police entered into the record books when they forged a human formation against drug abuse by bringing together 3397 students from 126 schools.

It looked like a painting from a drone view but a closer look revealed huge efforts put by the students and police of Avadi under the police commissioner Mr. K. Shankar.

The Asia Book of Records has now confirmed that the initiative from Avadi police is the largest symbolic human formation for drug awareness. It was really sensational to see students dressed in green, red and orange organised themselves into a formation to depict awareness messages in Tamil and English `Enakku Vendaam Namakku Vendaam- Vendaam Boedhai (say No to drugs)at the Armed Reserve grounds in Avadi.

As per a senior police officer, police dept is now directly reaching out to the students by engaging the students in the social cause activity. This would allow the students to learn about the ill effects of drug usage by interacting with the police personnel. He concluded that by this effort model citizens would be created from the younger generations.

It was brought out by the TN DGP Mr. Shankar Jiwal IPS that a war was being waged against the usage of ganja. He added that for the message to reach everyone, children and the younger generation were the ideal ambassadors to spread awareness on drug abuse. Point is that the children must protect themselves from drug abuse as both mental as well as physical growth is important for achieving their dreams.