Kumari Palany & Co

Bengalurus Lake Man Anand Malligavad Transforms 35 Lakes, Inspires Nationwide Conservation

Posted on: 06/Mar/2024 11:02:14 AM
Anand Malligavad, a Bengaluru-based mechanical engineer, has successfully restored 35 lakes in the city, sparking a nationwide wave of lake conservation efforts. Beginning his journey in 2017, Malligavad`s accidental encounter with a polluted lake led him to secure funding from his employer, Sansera Engineering, and employ ancient Chola dynasty techniques. His transformative efforts have elevated groundwater levels by 8 feet and earned him recognition as a sought-after conservation expert. With a goal to reclaim 45 lakes by 2025, Malligavad`s impact extends beyond Bengaluru, as he spearheads lake revival projects in Uttar Pradesh and Odisha.