Kumari Palany & Co

Tamil Nadu Government Debunks Social Media Rumors of Imminent Electricity Tariff Hike

Posted on: 11/Jun/2024 10:07:06 AM

Amidst social media rumors suggesting an imminent electricity tariff hike by the Tamil Nadu government, the state`s Fact Check Unit (FCU) intervened on Tuesday to clarify the situation. The FCU debunked the misinformation after a BJP supporter’s post gained traction. The post featured a screenshot, purportedly from a recent news report, hinting at a tariff increase. The FCU confirmed that the screenshot was from 2022, a year when tariffs were indeed raised.

In 2022, the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission permitted a tariff increase to address a debt exceeding Rs 1.6 lakh crore, allowing for annual revisions for the following five years. Despite this history, the FCU assured that there are no current plans for another tariff hike.