Kumari Palany & Co

Crime free autos to sport Red or Blue stickers

Posted on: 06/Jan/2014 12:21:26 PM

Chennaites, once you see an auto sport with Red or Blue sticker than you can surely hire it. For, the red sticker signifies the auto does not have a police record. In other words, the driver went by the book without flouting rules. 

The idea germinated after database mining of e-challans issued in the city in the last two years revealed that nearly 16,000 autos were not penalised for violation of any of the motor vehicle rules either during checks by the transport department or by the police department. 

“These 16,000 autos have clean records and they have to be encouraged by giving some kind of recognition, hence the stickers, ” said city police commissioner S George at a press meet here on Saturday. While the stickers will recognise the good work, autos sporting them won’t be immune to future checks by the police or transport officials.Blue stickers are meant to encourage auto drivers who go by the meter. The traffic police will issue the stickers after random checks. 

According to George, about 20 per cent of auto drivers were yet to fall in line. “Only a minority among auto drivers is not abiding by the rule. Most of the auto drivers are generally law abiding. We can say only about 20 per cent of the auto drivers are rule violators,” he said.