Kumari Palany & Co

Smart cards for ‘Aavin’ card-holders by Month

Posted on: 13/Jan/2014 5:48:38 PM
In order to reduce the current pilfering in the issue of ‘Aavin’ milk cards, smart cards are proposed to be issued.

Some traders give wrong addresses getting many cards and buy bulk quantities of milk and resell the same at a higher price. Because of this, issue of new cards was suspended. In order to improve the situation, 50 smart cards were issued in the first stage. 50,000 Aavin users have furnished their personal details ‘online’.

Currently, there are 12,00,000 milk card users in Chennai. Plans are made to issue smart cards for all these card holders before March. 2 persons from each region have been appointed and they will verify the existing cards and issue the new smart cards. Activities are set to start after the Pongal Holidays.