The first ever pure wedding silk saree store”Kancheepuram Varamahalakshmi silks” saw a grand launched recently at Chennai, Ganesh Towers, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, (Opposite to Alwarpet Anjaneyar Temple) with the presence of honorable State Governor, "His excellency Dr. Konijeti Rosaiah". The store is named after the Goddess “Varamahalakshmi - the boon granting goddess & the embodiment of Ashtalakshmi”.
The USP of the brand is their unbeatable price on a wide range of pure silk handloom sarees. It is the only store where each saree is blessed by performing Puja by the priest, making the wearer feel special. They have their own weaving units and a team of specialized weavers who take special care and effort to weave each saree, producing designs and patterns that are rare to find elsewhere. Thus, making it an exclusive store for wedding sarees for the bride and family and gifting sarees to the special ones.