Kumari Palany & Co

Power generation reduced in Vallur & North Madras thermal power stations

Posted on: 21/Mar/2014 2:35:39 PM
Since the thermal power station generation units at Vallur and North Madras were shut down due to some faults, the entire state of Tamil Nadu experienced a power cut for an extra period of 2 to 3 hours.  

Two recently commissioned units at Vallur were shut down due to problems in the boiler and conductor. North Madras Thermal Power Station 1st Unit was also shut down due to some minor repairs.

With the gas-fired power station also being shut down, there was a shortage of 1000 MW generation. This led to an unplanned extra 2-3 hours of power cut.

AT Coimbatore, the power cut was reported to be even longer.

One unit at Vallur and the unit at North Madras are expected back in generation by Thursday night. The second unit at Vallur will be back in generation by Friday morning.

So, the power position is expected to be back to normal.