With the current lifestyle and food habits, we are not in apposition to prevent the seasonal illnesses. These illnesses do not affect women over 35 years of age. Only young women get affected. The best remedy lies in early detection, taking some tests and getting treated. Here we give a list of certain tests which must be undertaken by girls above 18 years of age.
Vitamin ‘D’ Test -
When? - Pain
in the bones, feet, and back are the symptoms. It is time to take the vitamin ‘D’ test.
Why - This
is one of the most important tests for young women. 80% to 90% of young women
suffer from vitamin ‘D’ deficiency. Hence, it is imperative to take this test.
This is different from osteoporosis, suffered by elder women.
How - By
blood test!
Vitamin ‘B12’ Test -
When? - When numbness is felt in the arms and legs, or when feeling a tickling sensation, or while feeling tired all the time and while suffering from anaemia, it is better to take this test.
Why? - Vitamin ‘B12’ deficiency is more common among vegetarians. Vitamin ‘B12’ deficiency can be confirmed by this test.
How? - By blood test. Take note to avoid eating 10 to 12 hours before taking the test.
Breast check -
When? - The main symptom is the presence of polyps or swellings on the breast. If these are found while taking self-teat, it is better to undertake mammogram tests.
Why? - Many young women avoid taking this test. It is important to take the test as soon as reaching 25 years of age.
How? - Through
self-check. Test for boils, polyps and abnormal growth on the breast.
Sugar Test -
When? - Feeling frequently thirsty, feeling hungry all of a sudden, feeling extremely tired all the while, giddiness, failing eyesight, vomiting sensation, and passing urine are the symptoms to indicate that sugar test must be taken.
Why? - Many young women are interested in weight reduction and reduction of stomach flab. It is better that young women, 20 years and above must take sugar test for these 2 reasons alone!
How? - Blood sample is to be taken from the finger tips and tested for sugar. Results can be knoen in minutes.
Thyroid Test -
When? - Weight increase, laziness, irregular menstruation cycle, and swelling in the neck are the symptoms to indicate that thyroid test must be taken.
Why? - This tes is taken to detect hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. These 2 deficiencies are common in Indian cities. It is important that all young women over 18 years of age must undertake thyroid test.
How? - By blood test
Pap Smear test -
When? - Please do not wait for symptoms. As per experts’ opinion, all women over 25 years of age must undertake this test. Women who underwent operation for removal of womb, and women who undertake ordinary tests over 10 years must take this test.
Why? - This
test helps prevent cancer attack on the reproduction parts of the body.
How? - This is a very simple test. Cells will be taken from the womb and tested in the laboratory. Results will be known after this.