motors, scientific models and experimental kits were on display.
2010` opened in Chennai on Saturday. The exhibition show cases some of the
devises invented by school children are using spoons and small battery-operated
motors an initiative aimed at save the
planet from global. The spoons, the motors and many more scientific models and
experimental kits designed by school students were on display at the
inauguration of ‘Enviro 2010,` a two-day exhibition, jointly organized by
Industrial Waste Management Association (IWMA) and Science Olympiad Foundation
(SOF). It is being conducted at
inspiring to see S.Archishman, a Class V
student of PSBB, K.K.Nagar explaining what environmental protection means to
him. For example, if human activity adds too much smoke to the atmosphere, it
will affect the environment and in turn, affect us.”
Another child Gideon Santosh, a class V student of