Kumari Palany & Co


Posted on: 14/Jul/2010 4:49:49 AM

Chief Minister sanctions Rs.1.5 crore to subsidise cochlear implant surgeries

M.R.K. Panneerselvam, Health Minister, Government of  Tamilnadu announced that a new B.Sc course in Audiology and Speech Therapy would be started at the Madras Medical College. The course will commence from current academic year . The course will be offered by the Institute of Speech and Hearing at the College. A total of 25 students will be admitted beginning this academic year, he added. It was a course that had excellent job opportunities, considering the demand all over the State and the country for speech and audiology therapists.

Mr.Panneerselvam was speaking at a function to distribute free hearing aids to beneficiaries and launch the cochlear implant programme of the Oto Rhino Laryngology department, Madras Medical College .A total of 50 hearing aids, a gesture of charity by the department, were distributed to deserving candidates. He also announced that the Chief Minister had sanctioned a sum of Rs.1.5 crore to subsidise cochlear implant surgery under the Chief Minister`s Insurance scheme.Dr. Balakumar urged the government to sanction Rs.15 lakh towards buying diagnostic equipment for the department immediately.