T. Rajendran was delivering key note address on the challenges in ‘Policing the city,` organised as a part of the Madras Heritage Lecture series on Saturday, which again is a part of Madras Week celebrations.
He admitted to the fact that there was a big gap between the expectation of the public and what actually done by the police. He said that he was against ‘moral policing`. He commented that the police must discretion and a sense of proportion.
He was candid about how cyber crime is growing to menacing proportions.
He said that he Internet had become an enormous source of annoyance to the police as well as the public. While talking about recently uncovered credit card scam, he said that the cards were made in Malaysia and the client details were obtained from Canada and he admitted that when they became inter-state and international there is limitation on the police as there is a lack of effective international police body.