The workshop we have designed is called “ How to tap into the Power Of Your Subconscious Mind ”. This program deals with the power of the human mind and its giant capacity to achieve anything it wants. How to tap into the Power Of Your Subconscious Mind’ workshop deals with powerful and practical techniques which can help a person or a company to achieve their goals systematically, but surely. We are using the cutting-edge technology of NLP (Neuro - Linguistic Programming) /Hypnosis.
This experiential program can change your life for the better, sow the seeds in helping you get what you want and make you lead a fulfilled and happy life.
After learning these techniques and exercises, the participants can experience for themselves the transformation that happens within them. As the techniques are not very complex and long-drawn but short, crisp, powerful and practical, they can be used to great advantage.
This workshop is useful for anyone who wants to make their life a masterpiece; achieve good health, wealth, happiness, fame and recognition in whatever profession or activities they are involved in; to be their best more often and enjoy the fruits of success that is sure to come their way.
The areas covered during the workshop are:
· The Power of the Subconscious Mind.
· How the Mind is programmed by default.
· How to reprogram your mind, the way you want it.
· The power of Self-Talk.
· Stress Management.
· Being motivated any time you want.
· Building instant rapport.
· Communication skills – the ultimate power.
· Resolving inner conflict.
· Instantly transforming unresourceful / emotions into empowering action.
· Conditioning yourself mentally, emotionally and physically for consistent and overwhelming success.
· Meditation – to relax and recharge yourself.
· The Art and Science of Setting Goals & achieving them systematically.
Kindly Contact: Mr.T.K.Vadivel Pillai
Landline: 044-42858481
Mobile: 9840059396